Who can be baptized?
All children are eligible for baptism at Good Shepherd whether their parents are members or not, provided their parents give their consent. Baptism of adults takes place after instruction in the Christian faith and in the presence of elders or congregation. The adult answers questions normally addressed to the sponsors. The adult is received by Holy Baptism into communicant membership for the reception of Holy Communion.
I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God
unless he is born of water and the Spirit. - John 3:5

How to Arrange a Baptism at Good Shepherd
The time of baptism is arranged with the pastor. Sufficient time should be given the pastor so he can give parents and sponsors appropriate instruction in their duties and responsibilities. The choice of any Sunday service is ideal, but private baptisms which must include an elder of the church can be arranged as well. Baptism is usually administered at the beginning of the service following the first hymn (see order of Service for more details).
Find a more detailed description of Baptism and a GSLC application form by
clicking on the file below:
Baptism E Brochure and Form.pdf