Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (GSLC) is a growing congregation of believers who focus on the message of Christ’s saving grace, with its power to give and heal. We are all about giving the gifts of God and bringing Jesus to hearts and homes of people in our community and beyond. Our services are relaxed and respectful and Gospel-oriented, stressing Christ’s un-conditional love for His people. We believe the Bible is God’s inerrant and infallible Word and we know that what God tells us in the Bible is for our good. Baptisms are a joy for the church. Through infant and adult baptisms the Holy Spirit is given through water with the Word and the Lord's Supper is served weekly as God's gift of His body and blood for our forgiveness.
GSLC is part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) It is one of 3 Lutheran Churches in Lexington, KY who are LCMS churches. There is a small dedicated staff who meet monthly to make administrative decisions for the church. There are also 4 elders who guide and watch over the spiritual welfare of the church family.
We work together as a church body to make decisions about outreach, Christian Education and fellowship events. We are always interested in new people singing in our Choir and helping with the Altar Guild - both groups take part in making the Sunday Service a celebration in God’s Saving Grace.
The church members are asked to meet 2 times a year in November and May for a Voter’s Assembly to facilitate the work of the church and vote on new staff members.
Missouri Synod History
GSLC is part of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod which traces its origin to 750 Saxon immigrants who came to Missouri in 1839 seeking freedom from religious rationalism in Germany.
The Synod has 10 colleges, two seminaries, 62 high schools and the nation's largest Protestant elementary school system with 1,786 elementary schools and preschools. Good Shepherd is currently the home of a school, primarily a preschool, called the Lutheran School of Lexington. Please see their website at: